Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Can I manage multiple companies’ incoming calls with one single Phone-System?

Yes you can! It is very simple on our Hosted PBX System. By simply utilizing Hunt Groups or Call Centers you can easily do this.

Here is an example:

I will name one Hunt Group “CompanyABC” and assign it its own phone number (DID) and extension. I will then name a second Hunt Group “CompanyXYZ” and assign it its own phone number (DID) and extension.

I will then place a call to the phone number assigned to “CompanyABC”. This is what you will see on the Call manager and the physical phone.

Here you see on the Polycom Phone display the company that is being called (Hunt Group Name) followed by the Caller ID of the person calling in.

On the Call Manager POP UP you can see the Company name that is being called (Hunt Group Name) followed by the caller ID of person calling in.

Here is the second example:

I will place a call to the phone number assigned to “CompanyXYZ”. This is what you will see on the Call manager and the physical phone.

Here you see on the Polycom Phone display the Company that is being called (Hunt Group Name) followed by the Caller ID of the person calling in.

On the Call Manager POP UP you can see the Company name that is being called (Hunt Group Name) followed by the caller ID of the person calling in.

This is a very common request. Most people don't realize that this is possible without spending enormous amounts of money to purchase hardware.

The Hosted PBX will allow you to avoid having to spend money to buy equipment upfront. This is a very good solution for most.

Carlos Barron

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